Another use for that there computer …

The good people over at Oh My Gov scan for local political items that I somehow miss.

They found this gem…

It seems that Mayor Shannon McShurley of Muncie, Indiana, has finally discovered some practical use for those newfangled computers.

The mayor announced that the city fire stations, which had previously been transporting documents to the chief’s office via $1,500-a-pop trips on a fire truck, would soon be investing in some low-cost computer equipment upgrades so they could send their weekly maintenance reports electronically.

Last year, the trucks made 6,066 runs, costing the city $9 million.Talk about an easy line-item to cut from the budget!

“If we are literally delivering every document from a fire station by fire truck, that is not an efficient operation,” said McShurley. 

Incredible huh?

And, you thought your city was behind the times!

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